International Tai Chi Chuan Association (ITCCA™)

Firenze ITCCA Italia

Agata Sapienza


Association “La Pieve”
Via Poggio della Pieve, 1
Bagno a Ripoli – Florence (FI)

Door next to St. Peter Parish
Bus 23 to Sorgane


Mobile  +39 389 6450385
Mail    agatix62@gmail.com



Itinera Tai Chi
Via di Campugliano 17
Uzzano, (PT)
Mail  itinerataichi@gmail.com

Agata Sapienza

Agata Sapienza

Begins her study of Tai Chi Chuan in 2008 with Chiara Lavezzari and M° Carlo Lopez, Italian branch leader of International Tai Chi Chuan Association.
Since 2014 she is Master Chu King Hung’s student, once a year she attend her private training lessons.
She is Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor for ADO-UISP since 2011.

Since 2010 she has been involved in the study of both Bach Flowers (Unione di Floriterapia - UF), attending workshops and seminars with the leading Italian and foreign experts of floristry, and the study of the Tibetan Bells, where she obtained the Master level, with M° Thonla Sonam.